Get referred to Paloma Health via Right to Choose

Need clarity for your child? Follow these steps to request a referral to Paloma Health through Right to Choose:

  • Talk to your NHS GP
    Ask your GP for a referral to Paloma Health through Right to Choose.
  • Share this website
    Direct your GP to the “How to refer? page on our website for a quick and easy guide.
  • Your GP can easily complete the referral form online
During the conversation with your GP

When speaking with your GP, it's helpful to be prepared with the following information:

  • It’s your legal right
    You are entitled to request a Right to Choose referral—your GP cannot deny this.
  • School involvement
    Schools are involved DURING the assessments, but they don't need to lead on your referral. You don’t NEED evidence from your school to ask for the referral.
  • Right to Choose, not private
    Some GPs confuse private assessments with Right to Choose, when they think that schools can make the referral. That's incorrect, only NHS GPs in England can make Right to Choose referrals.
  • Helpful Tools
    If you want to bring something to your GP, consider bringing the results of the M-Q ASC test (for children aged 5 and up). This is a modern, comprehensive test designed to identify less commonly recognised signs of autism.
    Alternatively, shorter options are the AQ-10 for children (aged 4-11) or the AQ-10 for adolescents (12 and up). These are shorter but more focused on the characteristics typically associated with male-presenting individuals.

We’re here for you

You might have waited a long time to get an assessment. At Paloma Health, we’re committed to providing high-quality care, clear communication, and dedicated support every step of the way.

Please do reach out if you have questions.

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What parents are saying about us...

With my busy schedule it's been really helpful that I was able to  pick which day and time the appointment was on. I got sent lots of information beforehand as to what to expect, which eased my anxiety a lot.  

I'm so impressed from start to finish. We received a very detailed outcome report and their communication was brilliant. Would definitely recommend.